
The national government has allocated $180 billion to complete public works in Mendoza. The funds will be used to finalize various infrastructure projects in the region, which will help improve the quality of life for residents and boost economic development.

This investment is part of a larger effort to stimulate growth and create jobs in Mendoza. By completing these public works, the government hopes to attract more investment and promote sustainable development in the region.

Some of the key projects that will benefit from this funding include road improvements, the construction of new schools and hospitals, and the upgrade of public transportation systems. These initiatives will not only create jobs in the short term but also provide long-term benefits for the community.

In addition to infrastructure projects, the government is also focusing on other areas of development, such as education and healthcare. By declaring education as an essential strategic service, the government aims to ensure that all residents have access to quality education and training opportunities.

Overall, the allocation of $180 billion for public works in Mendoza is a significant investment that will have a positive impact on the region’s economy and quality of life. It demonstrates the government’s commitment to promoting growth and development in the area, and it is expected to yield long-term benefits for residents and businesses alike.