
Danny Elfman, the renowned composer known for his iconic film scores for Tim Burton movies and ‘The Simpsons’ series, is facing a new twist in his scandal involving a defamation lawsuit filed by composer Nomi Abadi. This legal action, filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court, stems from statements Elfman made to Rolling Stone magazine in 2023, where he vehemently denied harassing and sexually assaulting Abadi in 2018.

Abadi, who had previously accused Elfman of “sexually abusing women,” alleges that Elfman’s statements to Rolling Stone were defamatory and designed to discredit her. The lawsuit claims that Elfman not only lied in denying the accusations of harassment and sexual misconduct but also portrayed her as a “scorned woman seeking revenge and money.” According to Abadi, these claims have caused significant damage to her professional reputation and career as a composer, musician, and educator.

Court documents indicate that Elfman described Abadi as someone trying to break up his marriage to actress Bridget Fonda, whom he has been married to since 2003 and has a 19-year-old son with. On the other hand, the composer recounts a particularly disturbing episode, stating that Elfman offered her a Martini that contained his own semen, a claim he and his representatives have vehemently denied, arguing that it was a joke with moisturizing cream.

The relationship between the two composers started in a professional setting but, according to the lawsuit, turned into a nightmare for Abadi when Elfman exposed himself and masturbated in front of her on multiple occasions without her consent. This behavior, according to Abadi, began in 2015 and continued until 2016 when she filed a report with the Los Angeles police. Subsequently, both parties reached a financial settlement of $830,000, which Elfman allegedly did not fully comply with, leading to a new lawsuit in 2023.

The situation further complicated last October when another woman also accused Elfman of inappropriate sexual conduct during meetings that took place between 1997 and 2002. These new allegations have added fuel to the fire in an already highly complex case.

Abadi is represented by lawyer Eric George, known for his involvement in Amber Heard’s defamation case against Johnny Depp, while Elfman has hired Camille Vasquez, who also worked on Depp’s defense. This connection has garnered additional media attention to the case, fueling public and press interest.

Abadi’s defamation lawsuit highlights the devastating impact Elfman’s statements have had on her life, claiming she has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression due to online harassment following the defamations. Additionally, the young composer has seen her job opportunities fade, affecting her professional career.

Meanwhile, despite the accusations, Elfman remains one of the most sought-after composers in the entertainment industry, working on high-profile projects and maintaining his status in Hollywood. With this new chapter in the case, it remains to be seen how events will unfold and what the final impact will be on the careers and personal lives of both protagonists.