
Newsworthy Title: Spanish Water Reserves at 65.7% Capacity

State of Reservoirs

Currently, the Spanish water reserve is at 65.7% of its total capacity, with reservoirs currently storing 36,829 cubic hectometers (hm³) of water. This marks a decrease of 305 hm³ in the last week, which is 0.5% of the total current capacity of the reservoirs.

The breakdown of the water reserve by regions is as follows:

– Eastern Cantabrian is at 87.7%
– Western Cantabrian is at 94.9%
– Miño-Sil is at 87.8%
– Galicia Costa is at 83.6%
– Internal Basins of the Basque Country is at 95.2%
– Douro is at 91.5%
– Tagus is at 78.8%
– Guadiana is at 49.7%
– Tinto, Odiel, and Piedras is at 85.2%
– Guadalete-Barbate is at 29%
– Guadalquivir is at 45.2%
– Andalusian Mediterranean Basin is at 31.3%
– Segura is at 22.6%
– Júcar is at 53.7%
– Ebro is at 76.5%
– Internal Basins of Catalonia is at 30.7%

Precipitation has primarily affected the Mediterranean watershed, with very little rainfall in the Atlantic watershed. The highest rainfall was recorded in Reus (A) with 65.7 mm (65.7 l/m²).

The detailed situation of the basins, in cubic hectometers, can be found in the attached table.

This information is also available in a more visual format on the new MITECO web application. Additionally, the file is updated weekly, containing a table with data on peninsular reservoirs with a capacity greater than 5 hm³ since 1988.