
Alicante City Council has confirmed that there are enough resources for the Cremà Night. The Vice Mayor of Alicante, Manuel Villar, stated that the burning of the bonfires is «guaranteed» after the Local Government Board meeting. Some members of the Local Police, the Fire Department, and the municipal cleaning crews had expressed concerns about covering the extra services for the Cremà Night due to insufficient compensation. They have requested a meeting with Mayor Luis Barcala to discuss this issue.

The bonuses for working during the Hogueras festival were approved by the government team, despite facing opposition from political groups like PSPV, Vox, Compromís, and EU-Podem, as well as all the unions. Only the PP supported the decision. Vice Mayor Manuel Villar assured that the Cremà will take place, although he did not specify the exact number of firefighters who will be working that day, as it varies. However, he emphasized that with the current information, the event is guaranteed.

Villar mentioned that they are in communication with the workers, formally and informally, to ensure that the Cremà will go on smoothly. The Councilor of Festivals, Cristina Cutanda, also reassured the public that the event will proceed normally. She mentioned that the Police and Fire Department are committed to the festival and will not abandon their duties.

The Platform of Hogueras Workers reported that they have collected signatures from members of the Local Police, Fire Department, and Municipal Brigades who are refusing to work during the Cremà Night unless Mayor Luis Barcala meets with them.

In other news, the Local Government Board has approved the celebration of ‘bous al carrer’ in El Moralet from August 22 to 25, 29 to 31, and September 1. They also requested the Generalitat to expand the housing rehabilitation project in Virgen del Remedio to include 161 public housing units in San Blas. Additionally, they have opened bids for the installation of energy-efficient lighting in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA) and the Fish Market, with an investment of 542,000 euros. The Government group has also approved a long-term loan of 48 million euros to finance 60 projects within this year’s budget.