
The alleged perpetrator of the double femicide of two sisters that occurred last Tuesday in Monte Caseros has been arrested in the last few hours after an operation carried out by over 200 officers of the Corrientes police force. Police sources indicated that Antonio Villalba was hiding in an old abandoned shack located in a wooded area of that Corrientes locality. The police found, about 15 meters from the building, a fallen chair, a jacket, and a cut cable, evidence that the suspect attempted suicide.

He is accused of killing Maricel Isondú Fernández, 22 years old, and her sister Aitana, 9 years old, who were murdered on Tuesday at 6:15 pm in Parada Acuña, a place located about 20 kilometers from Colonia Libertad. The forensic experts determined that Maricel had multiple stab wounds and bruises on her body, while her sister was strangled with a rope, presumably the belt of her smock.

The main hypothesis of the investigators is that Villalba may have attempted to sexually assault the girl, but failed because her older sister arrived home and fought with the attacker, who killed her with blows and stabs. The bodies of both victims were found by Maricel’s boyfriend, who told the police that he saw Villalba leaving the scene.

Officers from the Colonia Libertad police station, along with personnel from Priar, the Canine Division, the Investigations Directorate of the Regional Unit III of Curuzú Cuatiá and Monte Caseros, and officers from the local police stations participated in the mega-operation in a completely inhospitable area with poor signal reception. The investigation is in the hands of prosecutor Federico Gutiérrez.