
Gabriel Mato Encourages Voting for the Future of Canarias

In a recent statement, Gabriel Mato, the candidate for the European elections from the Partido Popular, has urged citizens to participate in the electoral process. He emphasized the importance of voting for those who want to see change, a better future, and a stronger presence for Canarias in Europe.

Mato, after casting his vote, stressed the need for citizens to exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard loud and clear. He highlighted the significance of expressing desires to progress and address issues that are not favorable in Spain and Europe.

The candidate underscored that the power to make a difference lies in the ballot box, expressing confidence that the election day in Canarias would be filled with joy as citizens flock to the polls to clearly state their expectations from the politicians they choose to support.

Additionally, Manuel Domínguez, the president of the Partido Popular in Canarias, also encouraged citizens to take part in the elections and freely exercise their voting rights. He emphasized that the day marked a crucial moment in determining the future and stressed the importance of Canarias’ participation in European decision-making processes.

Domínguez highlighted Canarias’ significant role in shaping the policies that impact daily lives, urging everyone to seize the opportunity and not let it slip away. Participating in the electoral process was deemed essential for Canarias to have a strong voice in European affairs and influence the policies that affect the region.