
The police are investigating a shooting at the Private Oil Workers Union in Cutral Co. The key evidence that the police are working on comes from security cameras. They are trying to identify the two suspects who carried out the shooting. Evidence collected by the Criminalistics department includes spent cartridges and several video recordings that captured the attack.

The violent incident took place on Wednesday around 12:40 pm at the building located on Santa Cruz street. A man on a motorcycle stopped in front of the building, got off, walked to the door, returned to his vehicle, and left the scene. However, he circled the block and passed by the building again, this time a few meters away, near the corner of Yrigoyen and Perito Moreno.

According to a witness, the motorcyclist stopped there and fired between 6 and 8 shots. Most of the bullet casings were found at this location. The shots broke two windows, which had special bulletproof glass that lessened the impact. One bullet came very close to entering the building through a window on the first floor, and another window also suffered damage.

The Union representatives stated that they do not know why the attack occurred or who was behind it. They mentioned that the incident is still under investigation. The building was occupied by workers and delegates when the attack took place.

The Deputy Commissioner Héctor Pérez confirmed that the initial investigation revealed that there were two individuals on the motorcycle who are now being investigated for the attack. The challenge in identifying them lies in the fact that they were wearing helmets. The police are reviewing footage from private cameras in the area since the Union’s cameras do not record. Other businesses such as a pharmacy and a clinic, as well as neighbors’ cameras, may have captured the sequence of events.

The shooting occurred during a busy time in the area, indicating a lack of concern for the safety of others. Fortunately, no one was injured inside the building, although bullets did hit the exterior wall. An investigation has been initiated, and the local prosecutor’s office has been informed, but the Union representatives have not yet filed a formal complaint.