
June 12, 2024 – Necessary to raise awareness, as the indiscriminate use of vapes increases health risks and problems more than tobacco itself.

The World Health Organization (WHO) established May 31 as World No Tobacco Day, with the current slogan «Protect children from tobacco industries»; this was stated by Dr. Maria Ancelma Uribe Contreras, a professor at the Nursing Faculty in Culiacán at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS).

Dr. Uribe Contreras mentioned that millions of people smoke, and in the past, it was seen as a habit or a natural addiction to some extent. However, nowadays, the issue with youth and some adults is the indiscriminate use of vapes, which increases health risks and problems.

She indicated that health institutions in the state continue to promote tobacco-free spaces primarily because passive smokers are also affected. The institutions are always working to protect society and ensure its well-being.

Regarding public policies, she mentioned that sometimes tobacco-free spaces are established, and people have the right to consume it since it is considered a legal drug. It has a space where it can be smoked.

She emphasized that people have not been fully aware of quitting or withdrawing from these addictive habits, quitting tobacco use, and even quitting the use of vapes.

She added that this public health problem of tobacco addiction brings many health issues, ranging from minor oral problems, changes in breath, dental malformations, and even more complex issues such as cancer, respiratory emphysema, and serious skin problems. Health promoters have put up murals showing the effects of smoking on the skin, concluding that the use of vapes is considered more aggressive than tobacco itself.

According to research on tobacco addiction, this bad habit starts in children at a very young age, around 11 and 12 years old. This means that primary school students already have experiences with tobacco.

She highlighted that the Nursing academic unit has always promoted prevention and is now working in coordination with the University Welfare Unit led by Dr. Sofia Angulo de Madueña and supported by the director, Dr. Jesús Roberto Garay Núñez. They have been promoting tobacco-free spaces with signage and raising awareness among young people. As future nurses, they must promote health, and if they are not made aware, there will be a discrepancy between what is done and what is said. It is essential to reverse this silent problem, which will shorten the health of many adolescents in the short term.

Finally, Dr. Uribe Contreras added that among the possible preventive measures to avoid tobacco consumption, awareness is crucial. Just because you see someone smoking does not mean they will become addicted and start smoking. Education is essential, and constantly promoting educational spaces where scientifically grounded knowledge can be acquired to prevent it and change behavior. Smokers should be given the opportunity to transform their lives and decide to quit on their own, just like any other addiction.