
Health Officials Confirm 10 Deaths in SLP Due to Heatstroke

Amidst the current heatwave across the country, a total of 90 deaths have been reported nationwide, with ten of them in San Luis Potosí due to heatstroke. Additionally, there have been 1,937 cases of heat-related illnesses reported throughout the country.

According to the Weekly Report for the Epidemiological Surveillance of Extreme Temperatures from the Ministry of Health, the states with reported deaths are Veracruz with 25, Tabasco with 15, Tamaulipas with 13, Nuevo León with 10, San Luis Potosí with 10, Hidalgo with 5, Oaxaca with 4, Querétaro with 2, and Baja California, Campeche, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Guerrero, and Sonora with one death each.

During week 22, spanning from May 29 to June 5, a total of 591 cases related to extreme temperatures and 29 deaths were reported nationwide. Health officials noted that one death was attributed to the second heatwave, and 25 deaths were attributed to the third heatwave (source: EFE and El Universal).