
Influencer Carnota Gets Emotional Meeting Actors Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Miami

In an effort to generate excitement for the latest Bad Boys movie, the popular American stars of this franchise made an appearance at a press event in Miami. Cuban-American interviewer Enrique Santos was present to chat with the actors.

Among the attendees was influencer and comedian Jose Ernesto Gonzalez Carnota, better known as Carnota in the entertainment industry, who never imagined he would meet Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in person in Miami, two Hollywood celebrities. This was a moment that Carnota couldn’t resist sharing, posting several photos with the actors on his Instagram account.

«Who would have thought I would meet @willsmith and @martinlawrence? The real @badboys,» the influencer expressed his excitement in the post.

His followers responded with enthusiasm and well-wishes upon learning about his encounter with the two iconic actors. Some of the comments on the comedian’s post included: «Congratulations, that’s a huge achievement… so happy for you,» «Playing in the big leagues,» «Congratulations buddy,» «Those 2 guys are real tough,» «A dream come true,» «Go for it bro, representing the Cubans. It’s nice to see these things,» «You’re living the dream bro,» «Such a huge excitement. My goodness, beside great actors. Bravo and congratulations.»