In a recent episode of the program shared by José Antonio Neme, Karen Doggenweiler, and Latife Soto on social media, the tarot reader delved into the present and future of Mayor Daniel Jadue, who is currently facing charges of fraud, repeated tax evasion, among others.

“The cards say that he is very thoughtful, reflecting, but in my cards, it shows that there is an issue that is very evident,” announced the renowned tarot reader. “Of all the charges against him, there is an issue that cannot be denied. There is a very complicated issue, I have the impression that there are purchases of something that are very clearly linked to him,” added Latife.

In front of the attentive gaze of Neme and Karen, the witch shuffled her cards and spoke again: “I’m going to tell you something else. Another card came up here and, watch out, because a period of imprisonment is coming for a lot of people.”

“Oh, Lati, you really made the statement of the year!” exclaimed Neme, surprised.

“Yes, seriously. Here I have a card that, based on what is happening with Mayor Jadue, many complaints and legal proceedings that are currently quiet, archived, or under review will be activated,” continued Soto. “A time of divine justice is beginning that will be implemented in earthly justice,” she concluded.

However, the journalist tried to bring some logic to the prediction. “Well, forgive me for being skeptical, but it’s an election year, and you know that politics can be a bit dirty. I personally believe that, and it’s true that many things are being reactivated,” said the Mega host.