
Alonso Ruizpalacios is a talented filmmaker in Mexico. He has directed films such as Güeros, Museo, and Una película de policías, as well as series like Andor from Star Wars. He recently received the Luna de Valencia award at the Cinema Jove festival in Valencia. Despite making a name for himself in the US with his latest film La cocina, starring Rooney Mara, he remains connected to his roots in Mexico. Ruizpalacios feels that Mexican cinema often distorts the country’s image through film to cater to European audiences.

During a recent event, Ruizpalacios expressed hope that the new Mexican president, Claudia Sheinbaum, will distance herself from the current president, Andrés López Obrador. He believes that culture is essential and should not be viewed as a luxury. He criticized López Obrador’s administration for neglecting the importance of culture and emphasized the role of institutions like Imcine in promoting Mexican cinema.

Ruizpalacios draws inspiration from theater in his filmmaking, using techniques like breaking the fourth wall to engage viewers. He differentiates between series, which he sees as more commercial, and films, which he views as a personal and creative endeavor. His film Una película de policías aimed to challenge societal perceptions of the police and has been shown in police schools to create an impact.

Despite facing criticism for his impartiality in storytelling, Ruizpalacios believes that films are a form of protest and a way to engage with different perspectives. He recently had the opportunity to meet his Spanish filmmaker idol, Víctor Erice, and emphasized the importance of cinema in showcasing different realities of life and bringing people together.

The festival recognized Ruizpalacios for his fresh, intelligent, and humanistic approach to filmmaking, portraying a diverse range of characters and capturing the absurdities of contemporary Mexico with wit and humor. He highlighted the need to nurture the film industry as a tool for consensus-building and understanding different perspectives.

Ruizpalacios remains optimistic about the future of Mexican cinema and the impact it can have on society. Through his work, he continues to challenge norms, provoke thought, and inspire change. As he looks ahead to new projects and collaborations, he hopes to continue using film as a medium for social commentary and storytelling.