
The young people in the Basque Country have been reflecting on the concept of coexistence and diversity, thanks to a project initiated by the Basque Government. This project, called Youth, Coexistence, Future, aims to provide a platform for young people to discuss and debate the idea of coexistence in relation to the future. Through interviews with leaders from various sectors and a population survey on coexistence, the project has revealed that the youth of today place a strong emphasis on the diversity present in society. They are more aware of inequalities while also recognizing political diversity.

The Plan Udaberri 2024 for Coexistence, Human Rights, and Diversity was created to understand how the current youth generation perceives coexistence in the Basque Country without the biases of adults. This initiative, supported by the University of Deusto and the Vice-Ministry of Human Rights, Memory, and Cooperation, involved participatory research techniques and interviews with relevant organizations and youth representatives. The conclusions of this project have been compiled into a book presented at the University of Deusto.

According to Maider Maraña, one of the leaders of the project, today’s youth have a different perspective on coexistence compared to previous generations. They prioritize diversity in all its forms, not just political diversity. Despite their focus on diversity, they are still aware of ongoing conflicts and are interested in contributing to the construction of collective memory.

Contrary to the belief that young people are passive and uninvolved, the population survey conducted in 2022 revealed that they have a keen interest in politics comparable to adults. This challenges the myth that youth are disengaged from societal issues. The project has highlighted the evolving nature of society and the need for policies that cater to the changing needs of young people.

The Minister of Equality, Justice, and Social Policies has emphasized the importance of incorporating the perspectives of young people in shaping future policies on coexistence. The project has provided valuable insights that can guide future initiatives and promote intergenerational dialogue. It is not just a theoretical exercise but a practical way to expand our understanding of coexistence and create a shared model that values the voices and perspectives of youth.