Surprise Hit on Prime Video: From Box Office Flop to Top Viewed Movie

It is becoming more and more common for a movie to fail at the box office but then have a much more positive reception when it arrives on a streaming platform. The latest example of this is the movie currently occupying the number 1 spot on the list of the most viewed on Amazon Prime Video in Spain. The movie in question is ‘Matusalén’.

Box Office Failure
After several delays, the new film by David Galán Galindo (‘Orígenes secretos’) arrived in Spanish cinemas on April 5th, and the audience turned their backs on it despite starring Julián López in the lead role. To give you a better idea of the box office failure, it barely made 108,000 euros at the box office and not even 16,000 viewers went to see it in theaters.

It seems that ‘Matusalén’ has already gained more viewers in just a few days on Prime Video than during its entire run in theaters. In fact, it has been the number 1 movie on the Amazon platform since its arrival, and we will see how long it stays at the top of the rankings.

Personally, I watched ‘Matusalén’ a few months ago and I don’t think it deserved to go unnoticed in theaters. It’s not a great movie, but it is an entertaining comedy with some well-executed moments – I particularly enjoyed the interactions with the peculiar bully that the protagonist has to deal with on several occasions. And one thing I’m sure of is that it is better and more fun than ‘Ocho apellidos marroquíes’, the film that López starred in recently and was a hit at the box office.

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