
China has authorized Level 3 autonomous driving for electric vehicles on its roads, marking a significant step in the advancement of autonomous technology in the country. Many manufacturers in China have already incorporated complex artificial intelligence systems to enable autonomous driving in their vehicles. Examples include the Xiaomi SU7 and NIO ET5, which are equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and cameras on the roof. While these systems currently only offer driving assistance, they hold the key to full autonomy in the future.

The potential of this hardware is substantial, but regulatory restrictions have hindered its complete implementation. In addition to the mentioned models and brands, other companies in China, such as BYD, Changan, XPeng, GAC, SAIC, BAIC, BluePark, China FAW Group, and Yutong, are also investing in autonomous driving technology.

The Chinese government has now given the green light for these companies to begin testing autonomous driving on open roads. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will closely monitor these tests to ensure safety for occupants and other road users. This shift in regulations comes after the ministry started accepting applications from companies to test autonomous driving technology in electric vehicles.

The testing program will be closely supervised to guarantee safety standards are met. This new legislation not only benefits Chinese brands but also opens the door for companies like Tesla to conduct tests in the country. Elon Musk has hinted at launching a fleet of autonomous Robotaxis in China, signaling a new era of autonomous driving technology in the country.

Although there are still tasks to be completed, such as finalizing hardware and software development, Tesla’s proposal has been met with interest from the Chinese government. This move could also pave the way for vehicles like the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y to incorporate autonomous driving features that were previously not allowed by law. China’s progressive approach to autonomous driving contrasts with the more restrictive regulations in Europe, where autonomous driving tests for electric vehicles are limited to specific areas.

As China embraces autonomous driving technology on open roads, it raises questions about whether other regions will follow suit. The future of autonomous driving holds promise for a safer and more efficient transportation system, with China leading the charge towards a new era of mobility.