Almudena Ariza Forced to Cut Live Connection in Jerusalem: “I Show You a Small Part of How We Live”

In Jerusalem, this week saw the March of the Flags, a tribute by thousands of Israeli ultranationalists to commemorate the six-day war that took place in the Middle East in 1967. Almudena Ariza, the journalist and correspondent for RTVE, traveled to the Old City neighborhood to report on the intense clashes between protesters and over 3000 officers mobilized to prevent escalating tensions in the streets. The protesters caused significant damage to local businesses and attacked journalists covering the march.

One of the affected individuals was Almudena Ariza herself, who shared a video on her official X account (formerly Twitter) on Friday, showing how she was repeatedly interrupted by Israeli protesters and authorities while conducting a live broadcast for La 1 news. In the shared footage, the correspondent reveals “a small part” of the experiences professionals face when covering conflicts in the region and how Jewish extremists tried to hinder their work “time and time again.”

The video captures the journalist navigating through Damascus Gate while protesters attack Palestinian shops shouting, “This is our territory, we want to get rid of each and every Palestinian.” At one point, Ariza is approached by several protesters who pushed her and covered the camera with their hands. The street clashes forced the RTVE team to relocate to a calmer area where Jerusalem authorities pressured the journalist to end the recordings.

Constant Threats

This is not the first time Almudena Ariza has encountered such situations. Last April, the correspondent was interrupted by a group of Israeli citizens while reporting on the protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. The journalist had to cut the live broadcast as several men approached her to threaten her. Shortly after, Ariza continued the report from a different location, emphasizing that she would report the incident to the police.