The Xunta’s territorial delegate in Ourense, Manuel Pardo, highlighted the start of operations this year at the Verín-Oímbra air base and the construction of 44 new water points.

Manuel Pardo, the Xunta’s territorial delegate in Ourense, participated in the establishment of the Provincial Police Coordination Commission for the Fight against Forest Fires for the 2024 campaign. The commission will be operational from July 1 to September 30, the period identified as high risk for forest fires.

The purpose of the meeting was to design joint actions to prevent fires and combat arson activity. Various resources were presented for fighting fires during the current campaign, outlining the responsibilities of each through the Galician Forest Fire Prevention and Defense Plan, Pladiga 2024. Operational plans in the province were evaluated, with a focus on detection, deterrence, investigation, and extinguishing efforts.

The firefighting operation planned for this year in the province of Ourense will involve a similar number of personnel as last year. The operational team will consist of regional and municipal brigades, fire departments, and supramunicipal emergency groups (GES). Additionally, the Military Emergency Unit (UME), Seprona Civil Guard members, Autonomous and National Police, and investigative teams will be involved under the sole command of the Xunta de Galicia.

Emphasis was placed on the importance of coordination in this area, with the Consellería de Medio Rural’s Territorial Directorate holding police committees every three weeks to monitor joint actions in fire prevention and combat.

Updates for the 2024 Pladiga campaign include improvements in personnel, with some employees transitioning to working seven months this year, eight months in 2025, and nine months in 2026. The total operational team will comprise over 7,000 individuals, including Xunta professionals and those from other administrations, consistent with previous campaigns.

Galicia will have around thirty air resources for firefighting, supplied by both the Xunta and the State. On the ground, there will be close to 380 fire engines, including those from the Xunta and municipalities. Notably, 18 new fire engines were recently acquired. Up to 30 air resources, provided by both the Xunta and the State, will be mobilized, similar to the previous high-risk season.

In terms of material enhancements, six new versatile hydrostatic machines have been acquired. These self-propelled machines can perform preventive clearing work and firefighting tasks, equipped with water tanks, hoses, and blowers for road and ditch cleaning.

Furthermore, the Verín-Oímbra air base has started operations this year, along with the construction of 44 new water points and maintenance of the existing 4,843 points to support air and ground resources of the Forest Fire Prevention and Defense Service (SPIF).

The forest surveillance network has expanded with 24 additional cameras in 12 different locations across the provinces, totaling 177 cameras in 88 locations covering over 85% of Galician territory. These improvements aim to enhance fire prevention and response capabilities in Ourense and beyond.